

Titebond TitePatch™ Elastomeric Patching Compounds are designed for interior and exterior use to repair, seal and fill non-structural cracks in concrete, masonry and more. With excellent adhesion and flexibility, TitePatch permanently repairs cracks and allows for painting within 30 to 60 minutes, depending on SKU. TitePatch has four formula options to cater to various jobs. Choose between a brush or knife grade formula, depending on the crack width, and select a smooth or textured formula for the desired finish. The knife grade formulas can seal and fill larger cracks and holes, while the brush grade formulas can be brushed over smaller, hairline cracks.

Features & Benefits

  • IDEAL FOR: Repair, seal and fill non-structural cracks in concrete, masonry, wood and more
  • SEALS (Textured): Concrete, masonry, stucco, wood, brick, drywall, cement Board, glass, aluminum
    (Smooth): Concrete, masonry, stucco, wood, brick, aluminum and galvanized steel
  • Interior & exterior use
  • Paintable
  • Excellent adhesion
  • Flexible seal
  • Permanently repairs cracks
  • Brush and knife grades

Application Guidelines

  • Application Temperature: Above 40°F (4°C)
  • Service Temperature Range: 0°F to 160°F (-18°C to 71°C)
  • Method of Application: Knife Grade Trowel or putty knife
    Brush Grade Brush
  • Working Time: Textured Knife Approximately 15 minutes for 1/4" thickness
    Textured Brush Approximately 30 minutes for 1/6" thickness
    Smooth Knife Approximately 30 minutes for 1/4" thickness
    Smooth Brush Approximately 30 minutes for a 1/16” thickness
  • Application Directions: Knife Grade For small cracks below 1/32” 1. Surfaces must be clean and free of any material that may prevent adequate adhesion. Allow new concrete to cure for 30 days before application. 2. With a putty knife or trowel, fill the crack with TitePatch to a 1/16” wet film thickness. 3. Feather out the product down to the substrate itself about 2” on either side of the crack to blend with the substrate and aid elongation.
    For large cracks above 1/32” 1. Allow new concrete to cure for 30 days before application. 2. Cut out joint to about 1/4” wide and 1/4” deep. Surfaces must be clean and free of any material that may prevent adequate adhesion. It is highly recommended to use bond breaker tape to prevent 3-sided adhesion. 3. To allow for shrinkage, use a putty knife or trowel to slightly overfill the crack with TitePatch, forming a slight curve of TitePatch above the cracked surface. 4. Allow product to dry for a minimum of 4 hours, then apply a 1/16” wet film thickness over the filled crack. 5. Feather out the product down to the substrate itself about 2” on either side of the crack to blend with the substrate and aid elongation. It is the sole responsibility of the user to thoroughly test any proposed use with all substrates to determine project suitability.
  • Application Directions: Brush Grade 1. Surfaces must be clean and free of any material that may prevent adequate adhesion. Allow new concrete to cure for 30 days before application. 2. With a brush or knife, apply TitePatch to bridge the hairline crack (< 1/64”) with a 1/16” wet film thickness at the center. 3. Feather out the product down to the substrate itself about 2” on either side of the crack to blend with the substrate and aid elongation. It is the sole responsibility of the user to thoroughly test any proposed use with all substrates to determine project suitability.
  • Painting: Patching compound should be dry to the touch and ready to paint in 30 to 60 minutes, depending on SKU, with a water-based (latex) paint that does not contain plasticizer. For other paint types, a compatibility test is recommended.
  • Cleanup: Clean uncured material or tools with water. After curing, excess material must be cut or scraped away.


Size1/16” Wet Film Thickness1/4" Bead
1 Gallon Pail25 sq. ft.392 ft.
1 Quart Pail6 sq. ft.98 ft.

Physical Properties

  • Type: Latex
  • Calculated VOC: <50 g/L
  • Solids: Textured Knife 72%
    Textured Brush 77%
    Smooth Knife 79%
    Smooth Brush79%
  • Flashpoint: Solvent free/Not applicable
  • Viscosity: Textured Knife 120,000 - 160,000 cps
    Textured Brush 99,000 - 220,000 cps
    Smooth Knife 95,000 - 140,000 cps
    Smooth Brush 170,000 - 230,000 cps
  • Freeze / Thaw Stability: Stable
  • Storage Life: 24 months in a dry location at or below 75°F


Not designed for continuous submersion or use below the waterline. Do not use on structural cracks or repairs. Product is not sandable. Air, patching compound and surface temperature should be above 40°F. Do not apply if rain is expected within 12 hours. Cure time is dependent upon ambient conditions including temperature and humidity. Patching compound should be dry to the touch and ready to paint in 30 to 60 minutes, depending on SKU, with a water-based (latex) paint that does not contain plasticizer. For other paint types, a compatibility test is recommended. For best results, store in a dry location at or below 75°F. For questions, please call our Help Line at 1.800.347.4583 or visit us at Titebond.com.

Product SKUs

Part NumberUPCCase UPCSizeWeightUnits Per PackagePackages Per PalletColor
5355037083053555100370830535521 Quart Pail - Smooth Knife21.23690
5356037083053562100370830535691 Gallon Pail - Smooth Knife55.45430
5365037083053654100370830536511 Quart Pail - Textured Brush16.43690
5366037083053661 100370830536681 Gallon Pail - Textured Brush42.65430
5375037083053753100370830537501 Quart Pail - Textured Knife18.44690
5376037083053760100370830537671 Gallon Pail – Textured Knife47.99430
5385037083053852100370830538591 Quart Pail - Smooth Brush19.64690
5386037083053869100370830538661 Gallon Pail – Smooth Brush51.21430

Warranty Statement

Liability is limited to product replacement only.

Important Notice: Our recommendations, if any, for the use of this product are based on tests believed to be reliable. Since the use of this product is beyond the control of the manufacturer, no guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to such use or effects incidental to such use, handling or possession or the results to be obtained, whether in accordance with the directions or claimed so to be. The manufacturer expressly disclaims responsibility therefore. Furthermore, nothing contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with existing laws and/or patents covering any material or use.

2020 Bruck Street, Columbus, Ohio 43207
CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800-669-4583
TECH SERVICE 1-800-347-4583

Franklin International